Project:SPARQL/examples: Difference between revisions

From Beyond Notability
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order by ?person ?date_value
order by ?person ?date_value
=== Women who were adults in 1911 ===
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:Women who were adults in 1911 and their calculated ages
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT distinct ?person ?personLabel ?statements ?dob ?dod ?age1911
  ?person bnwdt:P3 bnwd:Q3 ;
        wikibase:statements ?statements .
  FILTER NOT EXISTS {?person bnwdt:P4 bnwd:Q12 .}
  ?person bnwdt:P26 ?dob . 
  #optional {
      ?person bnwdt:P15 ?dod . 
  filter(year(?dod) > 1911 && year(?dob) <=1893 ) .
  #if dod is made optional a more complex filter to include some women who were likely to still be alive in 1911. but doesnt add very many.
  #filter( ( year(?dob) <= 1893  && year(?dod) > 1911 ) || ( year(?dob) <= 1893 && year(?dob) >1870 ) ) .
  #Date literals can be written by adding ^^xsd:dateTime to an ISO 8601 date string: "2012-10-29"^^xsd:dateTime
  bind(year("1911-07-01"^^xsd:dateTime) - year(?dob) as ?age1911 ).
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?personLabel
