
0 references
Surveyor of Prae Wood Earthworks (English)
Directed the excavation of three gateways. (English)
Was present for three seasons. (English)
Supervised most of the laborious excavation of the 'Fosse'. Directed the clearing of the theatre and published results in Archaeologia. (English)
Was present for four seasons. (English)
Excavation Supervisor (English)
Worked as Supervisor for two of the four seasons (English)
Voluntary Assistant (English)
Reported on the coins (English)
part of "the willing team" (English)
part of "the willing team" (English)
part of "the willing team" (English)
part of "the willing team" (English)
part of "the willing team" (English)
part of "the willing team" (English)
part of "the willing team" (English)
0 references