has biography (URL) (P97): Difference between revisions

From Beyond Notability
(‎Added [en] label: has biography (URL), #quickstatements; #temporary_batch_1660302898055)
(‎Added [en] description: URL for biography of the subject, ideally in trusted source (e.g. WorldCat), #quickstatements; #temporary_batch_1660302898055)
description / endescription / en
URL for biography of the subject, ideally in trusted source (e.g. WorldCat)

Latest revision as of 11:33, 12 August 2022

URL for biography of the subject, ideally in trusted source (e.g. WorldCat)
Language Label Description Also known as
has biography (URL)
URL for biography of the subject, ideally in trusted source (e.g. WorldCat)

    Data type

    External identifier
