
Revision as of 12:24, 8 September 2021 by Jwbaker (talk | contribs)

This wiki is used to produce and query a knowledge base developed as part of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) funded project Beyond Notability: Re-evaluating Women's Work in Archaeology, History and Heritage, 1870 – 1950, running from 2021 to 2024, details of which are available on the project website.


This wiki is underpinned by set of values. We anticipate these will evolve and as the project develops we will provide examples of how we acted in response to these values. If you have suggestions, please suggest edits to this page.

- The archive is a technology of colonialism. - Metadata and metadata structures organise knowledge. Both are situated in their circumstances of production. - Digital photographs of artefacts are digital representations of those artefacts: they do not replace the artefacts they depict, rather they are things in their own right. - Building a website is an intellectual act. - Websites are built to die. But data organised and presented by that website must be produced in such a way that it is ready for long-term digital preservation. - The products of our labour are hard to understand unless we document that labour. - Digital infrastuctures are material resources that contribute to the climate crisis: their production requires energy, the storing and movement of data requires energy, and ideas like 'the cloud' can deepen the perceived ethereality of the digital.
