Person of interest (E1)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enPerson of interestPerson of interestedit
en-gbPerson of interestPerson of interestedit
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

start = @<Person>

# {0} == not allowed
# * == zero or more
# ? == zero or one
# + == one or more
# nothing == one and no more or less

	wdt:P3 [wd:Q3,wd:Q10]  ?;

	#Recorded by
	wdt:P9 .?;

	#election to SAL proposed by
	wdt:P16 . *;

	#date of death
	wdt:P15 . *;

	#date of birth
	wdt:P26 . *;

	#resided at
	wdt:P29 . *;

	#academic degree
	wdt:P59 . *;

	#area of expertise
	wdt:P64 . *; 

	wdt:P41 . *;

	#was member of
	wdt:P67 . *;  

	#was fellow of
	wdt:P75 . *;

	#land proprietor activities
	wdt:P103 [wd:Q530,wd:Q678,wd:Q680] *;

	#described at URL
	wdt:P14 . *;

	#Archaeology Data Service person ID
	wdt:P34 . *;