
Keate's mother Henrietta (nee Murray) was born in Trinidad, and her father Robert Keate had been a Commissioner of the Seychelles, and Governor in the Caribbean (Grenada and Trinidad), in Natal (South Africa) and in the Gold Coast (Ghana). (British English)
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Sarah E Parker, Grace and Favour: a handbook of who lived where at Hampton Court Palace 1750-1950 (British English)
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16C Cresswell Gardens, Old Brompton Road, S. W. 5 (English)
1 reference
Publications of the Navy Records Society (1942) (English)
1913-14 Michaelmas (English)
1 reference
LSE/UNREGISTERED/19/17 Register of Students (English)
Keate (English)
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1 reference
Publications of the Navy Records Society (1942) (English)
Keate was one of several people working on the staff of the Committee of Imperial Defence's Official Historian of Naval Operations (English)
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Julian Stafford Corbett, Introduction, in Henry Newbolt, History of the Great War as told in Official Documents Vol 5 Naval Operations (1931) (English)
unknown value
In their Introduction to Vol VIII of British Documents on the Origin of the War 1898-1914 (1932), G. P. Gooch and Harold Temperley acknowledge Miss E. M. Keate and Miss I. B. Johnston for "assist[ing] in the preparation of this volume for the press" (English)
1 reference
Gooch & Temperley (Eds) British Documents on the Origin of the War 1898-1914 Vol VIII Arbitration, Neutrality and Security (1932). (English)
Harold Temperely acknowledged Keate for "research in naval matters" in his book England And The Near East: The Crimea (1936) (English)
1 reference
Harold Temperley, England And The Near East: The Crimea (1936) (English)
Keate is noted as a member of the RCHME Executive Staff (British English)
1 reference
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England, An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Hertfordshire (1911) (British English)
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Murray Keate's maternal grandfather, Thomas Murray, MD, of Trinidad (English)
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Murray Keate's maternal grandfather, Thomas Murray, MD, of Trinidad (English)
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