QuickStatements (QS) is a tool that can edit Beyond Notability items, based on a simple set of text commands. The tool can add and remove statements, descriptions and aliases; as well as add statements with optional qualifiers and sources. The command sequence can be typed in the import window or created in a spreadsheet or text editor and pasted in.
Accessing QuickStatements can be done by going to
A thorough explanation on how QuickStatements works can be found on this help page on Wikidata.
Basic working
- Go to one of the links <link> to access QuickStatement. We strongly advise using the staging environment to get familiar with the tool.
- Click on 'Log in' to log in Quick Statements to your account. You can be prompted with an information box asking for authorisation:
- After allowing QuickStatements to make edits on your behalf (by clicking 'Allow') you can use the tool.
- Click on 'New batch' to create a set of new commands.
- Add your statements or CSV data here and click on import.
Each QS statement must consist of an entity, a property, and a value, each of is separated by a TAB or "|" characters.
Example of QuickStatements via commands
QS commands to add statements to existing items
A new statement can be added to an existing item by:
- fist referencing the Q number of the item in question (eg. Q340)
- followed by the P number of the property (eg. gender P23)
- and finally the value to be added,
- which can reference another item by its Q number (eg. male Q3)
- or a string value, delimited by "" (eg. "2021-02-21" or "Lucius, Michel").
These 3 elements need to be separated by a TAB or "|" characters
Q340 P19 "1876-12-09"
QS commands to add qualifiers to statements
When adding statements using QS, corresponding qualifiers can be added by appending the statement by the P number of the qualifier (eg. name format P10) and its value, Q number or string (eg. indirect order Q16).
Q340|P18|"Lucius, Michel"|P10|Q16
Q340 P18 "Lucius, Michel" P10 Q16
QS commands to add references to statements
References can be added in the same way as qualifiers to statements, this by adding the property (P) number, but replacing the P by an S (eg. source of information - text P13 becomes S13).
Q340|P23|Q3|S13|"British Library"
Q340 P19 "1876-12-09" S13 "British Library"
QS commands to remove statements
QS can also be used to remove statements from your Wikibase, by adding a "-" in front of your command. For example:
-Q172|P20|"St. Gallen"
Please note that the "-" command always removes the entire statement, so elements that you want to conserve need to be created again after a removal. This includes any qualifiers or references associated to the statement, thus they do not need to be explicitly mentioned in the removal command.
- If an identical statement already exist (exact match of property and value to the QS statement), the existing statement will not be change and no new statement added.
- However if the new statement includes new properties or references, these will be added to the matching existing statement.
- Several qualifiers can follow a same statement in QS.
- Within one batch only TAB or "|" characters should be used, mixing both does not work.
- Within one batch multiple statements can be included, each however in a new line.
QS commands to create new items
It is also possible to create entirely new items using QS, this by using "CREATE", which used by itself, will create a new item without any statements. To add statements to this newly created item, "LAST" is used. Which replaces the Q number in a QS statement and will simply add statements to the last created item. Note that ,multiple "LAST" can follow a "CREATE" all adding statements to that newly create item.
The example below will create two new persons (instance of P1 = Person Q17). Both have a name P9, and name order (P10) and a title P12 as qualifiers:
CREATE LAST|P1|Q17 LAST|P9|"First Test person for QS"|P10|Q15|P12|"director"
CREATE LAST P1 Q17 LAST P9 "Second Test person for QS" P10 Q15 P12 "Baron"
Executing QuickStatements commands via the batch interface
After opening a new QS batch, statements can be typed as needed directly into the box (typically using "|"), or copy/pasted from a spreadsheet (typically using the TAB sign). Click on 'Import V1 commands' to pre-process the commands. You can check if you correctly wrote the QS and see what edits are about to be executed in the overview. Clicking on Run will execute the commands on Beyond Notability, if the Status Bar returns green all statements were correctly executed. If it turns red an error occurred, most likely statements were not correctly written. If excecated correctly a summary of the edits done is shown and one can quickly navigate to the concerned items to check the work done. Notability.
Functionality that is not working
QuickStatements was specifically developed for Wikidata, and not Wikiibase. Therefore, some buttons in the tool will not be working. Amongst them are:
- 'Last batches'
- 'Your last batches'
- Button to your user page
Also, you will not be able to store batches for working on them later.
Open Refine
Data edited in OpenRefine can also be exported to the QuickStatements format. (to be described).