Project:SPARQL/admin: Difference between revisions

(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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== Other queries ==

[[Project:SPARQL/examples|main queries page]]
[[Project:SPARQL/examples|main queries page]]

===Women about whom we have recorded fewer than 3 pieces of information===
===Women about whom we have recorded fewer than 3 pieces of information===
Line 152: Line 154:

=== Compare uses of item v free text ===
=== Missing language labels ===

<sparql tryit="1">
<sparql tryit="1">
# A number of properties have "item" and "free text" versions; a query to fetches both versions in each case to facilitate comparison of their uses.
# query to check for any items/properties which don't have "en" labels. [currently not an issue but retained for reference.]

PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwd: <>
Line 167: Line 172:
PREFIX bnpqv: <>
PREFIX bnpqv: <>

SELECT distinct ?itemLabel ?prop_label ?qual_label ?qual_value ?qual_valueLabel ?item ?qual_prop
  ?item  ?itemLabel
  (group_concat(distinct ?language) as ?languages)
  (count(distinct ?rdfs_label) as ?count) # TIL: where you put distinct matters! 
  ?item ?p ?s.
  ?item rdfs:label ?rdfs_label .  # rdfs item label (1 per language).
  BIND(LANG(?rdfs_label) as ?language) .  # get 2 letter language codes
  #optional { ?item rdfs:label ?engb . filter(lang(?engb)="en-gb").  }
  #optional { ?item rdfs:label ?en . filter(lang(?en)="en").  } 
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE], en-gb, en". }
group by ?item ?itemLabel
HAVING (?count<2)
order by ?item
=== Date of latest edit for every item, according to WQS ===

# most of these are used in qualifiers - only P72, P71 and P88 found in main (and only a handful of uses of free text?)
<sparql tryit="1">
#?item (  bnp:P88|bnp:P91 | bnp:P72|bnp:P71) ?s .
#title:latest edits dates for wikibase items

## the pairs
## because of WQS disappearing data bugs this may not always match the latest edit in the page history
#P21 evidence (free text) / P20 evidence (item)
#P79 item exhibited / P80 item exhibited (free text)
#P78 of / P66 of (free text)
#P91 specific reference information / P88 specific reference information (free text)
#P31 street address (free text) / P100 street address (item)
#P72 was delegate at (free text) / P71 was delegate at (item)

SELECT ?item ?date ?dateLabel
  ?item wikibase:timestamp ?date .
  ?item ?p ?s .
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
  ?prop wikibase:claim ?p;     
        rdfs:label ?prop_label. filter(lang(?prop_label)="en-gb") . 
  ?s ( bnpq:P21|bnpq:P20 | bnpq:P80|bnpq:P79 | bnpq:P66|bnpq:P78 | bnpq:P88|bnpq:P91 | bnpq:P31|bnpq:P100 | bnpq:P72|bnpq:P71 ) ?qual_value .
  ?s ?qual_p ?qual_value . 
    ?qual_prop wikibase:qualifier ?qual_p;
          wikibase:propertyType ?qual_prop_type ;
          rdfs:label ?qual_label. filter(lang(?qual_label)='en-gb') .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en-gb". }  
order by ?qual_label ?prop_label ?itemLabel
order by ?date


=== Missing language labels ===
=== Questions ===

<sparql tryit="1">
<sparql tryit="1">

# query to check for any items/properties which don't have "en" labels. [currently not an issue but retained for reference.]
#title:asking questions

PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwd: <>
Line 216: Line 234:
PREFIX bnpqv: <>
PREFIX bnpqv: <>

  ?item  ?itemLabel
  (group_concat(distinct ?language) as ?languages)
  (count(distinct ?rdfs_label) as ?count) # TIL: where you put distinct matters! 

SELECT ?personLabel ?propLabel ?link ?question
  ?person bnwdt:P3 bnwd:Q3 .
  ?person ?p ?s .
      ?prop wikibase:claim ?p;     
        wikibase:statementProperty ?ps.     
  # direct link to relevant part of page
        BIND (REPLACE(STR(?prop), "^.*/([^/]*)$", "$1") as ?pid).
        bind(iri(concat(str(?person), "#", ?pid)) as ?link ) .
  # the question
    ?s bnpq:P157 ?question . 
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
order by ?personLabel
== Place ==
=== Places of residence that lack instance of locality===
<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT distinct ?residence ?residenceLabel ?inst ?instLabel
  ?resident bnwdt:P29 ?residence . # resided at
  filter not exists { ?residence bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 . } # that doesn't have instance of locality
  optional {?residence bnwdt:P12 ?inst .} # does it have instance of anything? 
      ## Note: some have Q618 territory of the British Empire, which also lacks any instance of at present
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?residenceLabel
=== Archaeological sites that don't have National Heritage England list numbers ===
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:archaeological sites without National Heritage numbers
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?location ?locationLabel
(if(bound(?locEngland), "yes", "") as ?inEngland)

   ?item ?p ?s.  
   ?item rdfs:label ?rdfs_label .  # rdfs item label (1 per language).
   ?item bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q86 . # item instance of archaeological site
   filter not exists {?item bnwdt:P129 ?thing } # without NH list number
   BIND(LANG(?rdfs_label) as ?language) .  # get 2 letter language codes
   optional { ?item bnwdt:P2 ?location } # location if it has one
  optional { ?item bnwdt:P2 ?locEngland .
              ?locEngland bnwdt:P33+ bnwd:Q617.
          } # is the location in England
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en-gb". }
order by ?itemLabel
=== Reviewing instance of locality ===
<sparql tryit="1">
# how many i/o locality don't have a wikidata id?
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>

   #optional { ?item rdfs:label ?engb . filter(lang(?engb)="en-gb"). }  
#title:i/o locality
   #optional { ?item rdfs:label ?en . filter(lang(?en)="en"). }
SELECT distinct ?itemLabel ?item ?wd_id ?adminLabel ?bn_geo
  ?item bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 . # has i/o locality (could have other i/o as well?)
   #optional { ?item bnwdt:P12 ?io .  
  #        #filter not exists { ?item bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 . } # this doesn't work... ??? should be only a handful.
  #        } # check io other than locality
  # what props do they have: 945 P117 wikidata id; 919 P33 admin territory; 9 P153 coord location
  #?item ?p ?s .
  #    ?prop wikibase:claim ?p.
  optional { ?item bnwdt:P117 ?wd_id . }
   optional { ?item bnwdt:P14 ?described . } # to check for described at url instead of wd.
  optional { ?item bnwdt:P33 ?admin . } # admin territory; some multi
  optional { ?item bnwdt:P153 ?bn_geo . }
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE], en-gb, en". }  
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }  
group by ?item  ?itemLabel
HAVING (?count<2)
order by ?item

ORDER BY ?itemLabel ?item
== Dates ==

=== Statements that contain both a date *and* an unknown value date===
=== Statements that contain both a date *and* an unknown value date===
Line 425: Line 546:

=== Places of residence that lack instance of locality===
<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT distinct ?residence ?residenceLabel ?inst ?instLabel
  ?resident bnwdt:P29 ?residence . # resided at
  filter not exists { ?residence bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 . } # that doesn't have instance of locality
  optional {?residence bnwdt:P12 ?inst .} # does it have instance of anything? 
      ## Note: some have Q618 territory of the British Empire, which also lacks any instance of at present
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?residenceLabel
=== Locations that don't have Wikidata links or their Wikidata pages lack geocoordinates===

<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT distinct ?locationLabel ?location ?wikidata ?wd_geo ?instanceLabel ?bn_geo
  {?item bnwdt:P29  ?location . } # resided at
  {?location bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 .} # OR has instance of locality
  {?item bnwdt:P2  ?location . } # OR location P2
  # any other possibles ?
  optional { ?location bnwdt:P12 ?instance .  } # check instance of
  optional {   
      ?location bnwdt:P117 ?ws .  # wikidata id       
        bind(iri(concat("", str(?ws))) as ?wikidata) .
        SERVICE <> {
          optional {?wikidata wdt:P625 ?wd_geo .}  # does the wikidata page have geocoords?
        } # /wikidata service 
    } #/wikidata optional
  filter (!bound(?wd_geo) ). # no geocoords in wikidata. some may have coords in BN...
  optional { ?location bnwdt:P153 ?bn_geo .  } # so check for coords in BN
  ##filter (!bound(?bn_geo)) . # uncomment to filter those out as well
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?wikidata ?locationLabel
=== Archaeological sites that don't have National Heritage England list numbers ===
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:archaeological sites without National Heritage numbers
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?location ?locationLabel
(if(bound(?locEngland), "yes", "") as ?inEngland)
  ?item bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q86 . # item instance of archaeological site
  filter not exists {?item bnwdt:P129 ?thing .  } # without NH list number
  optional { ?item bnwdt:P2 ?location .  } # location if it has one
  optional { ?item bnwdt:P2 ?locEngland .
              ?locEngland bnwdt:P33+ bnwd:Q617.
          } # is the location in England
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en-gb". }
order by ?itemLabel
=== Date of latest edit for every item, according to WQS ===
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:latest edits dates for wikibase items
## because of WQS disappearing data bugs this may not always match the latest edit in the page history
SELECT ?item ?date ?dateLabel
  ?item wikibase:timestamp ?date .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
order by ?date
=== Wikidata ID is a URL ===
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:check for accidental use of URL instead of wikidata ID
## all checked and fixed at 18/12/23 but adding the query in case it recurs
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?wd_http
  ?item bnwdt:P117 ?wd_http .  # wikidata id       
  filter(strstarts(str(?wd_http), "http")).
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?itemLabel
=== Wikidata URL is not a URL ===
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:check for wikidata URLs that don't start with http. could still be other problems!
## all checked and fixed at 18/12/23 but adding the query in case of any recurring issues
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?wd_url
  ?item bnp:P117 ?ws .  # wikidata id       
    ?ws bnpq:P14 ?wd_url .
  filter(!strstarts(str(?wd_url), "http")).
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?itemLabel

=== Oxford and Cambridge academic degrees potential date problems ===
=== Oxford and Cambridge academic degrees potential date problems ===
Line 695: Line 645:
order by ?personLabel ?date ?degreeLabel
order by ?personLabel ?date ?degreeLabel
== Item / free text ==
=== Compare uses of item v free text ===
<sparql tryit="1">
# A number of properties have "item" and "free text" versions; a query to fetches both versions in each case to facilitate comparison of their uses.
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
PREFIX bnpsv: <>
PREFIX bnpqv: <>
SELECT distinct ?itemLabel ?prop_label ?qual_label ?qual_value ?qual_valueLabel ?item ?qual_prop
# most of these are used in qualifiers - only P72, P71 and P88 found in main (and only a handful of uses of free text?)
#?item (  bnp:P88|bnp:P91 | bnp:P72|bnp:P71) ?s .
## the pairs
#P21 evidence (free text) / P20 evidence (item)
#P79 item exhibited / P80 item exhibited (free text)
#P78 of / P66 of (free text)
#P91 specific reference information / P88 specific reference information (free text)
#P31 street address (free text) / P100 street address (item)
#P72 was delegate at (free text) / P71 was delegate at (item)
  ?item ?p ?s .
  ?prop wikibase:claim ?p;     
        rdfs:label ?prop_label. filter(lang(?prop_label)="en-gb") . 
  ?s ( bnpq:P21|bnpq:P20 | bnpq:P80|bnpq:P79 | bnpq:P66|bnpq:P78 | bnpq:P88|bnpq:P91 | bnpq:P31|bnpq:P100 | bnpq:P72|bnpq:P71 ) ?qual_value .
  ?s ?qual_p ?qual_value . 
    ?qual_prop wikibase:qualifier ?qual_p;
          wikibase:propertyType ?qual_prop_type ;
          rdfs:label ?qual_label. filter(lang(?qual_label)='en-gb') .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en-gb". }
order by ?qual_label ?prop_label ?itemLabel

=== Position held: item v free text ===
=== Position held: item v free text ===
Line 736: Line 738:

==== Women with position held free text ====
=== Women with position held free text ===

<sparql tryit="1">
<sparql tryit="1">
Line 764: Line 766:

=== Questions ===
== Wikidata ==
=== Places that link to wikidata AND have wikidata P625 geo coordinates ===

<sparql tryit="1">
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:wikidata geo coords P625
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>

#title:asking questions
SELECT distinct ?locationLabel ?location ?wikidata ?wd_geo # ?bn_geo
  {?item bnwdt:P29  ?location . } # resided at
  {?location bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 .} # OR has instance of locality
  {?item bnwdt:P2  ?location . } # OR location P2
  # any other possibles ?  "P33 but only if i/o arch site or historic house" historic house Q2961  arch site Q86
  {?item bnwdt:P33 ?location .} # admin territory ADDS ONE ROW. lol.
      ?location bnwdt:P117 ?ws .  # wikidata id       
        bind(iri(concat("", str(?ws))) as ?wikidata) .
        SERVICE <> {
            ?wikidata wdt:P625 ?wd_geo .  # does the wikidata page have geocoords?
        } # /wikidata service 
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?wikidata ?locationLabel
=== Locations that don't have Wikidata links or their Wikidata pages lack geocoordinates===

<sparql tryit="1">
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
Line 777: Line 815:
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
PREFIX bnpsv: <>
PREFIX bnpqv: <>

SELECT ?personLabel ?propLabel ?link ?question
SELECT distinct ?locationLabel ?location ?wikidata ?wd_geo ?instanceLabel ?bn_geo
  {?item bnwdt:P29  ?location . } # resided at
  {?location bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 .} # OR has instance of locality
  {?item bnwdt:P2  ?location . } # OR location P2
  # any other possibles ?
  optional { ?location bnwdt:P12 ?instance .  } # check instance of
  optional {   
      ?location bnwdt:P117 ?ws .  # wikidata id       
        bind(iri(concat("", str(?ws))) as ?wikidata) .
        SERVICE <> {
          optional {?wikidata wdt:P625 ?wd_geo .}  # does the wikidata page have geocoords?
        } # /wikidata service 
    } #/wikidata optional
  filter (!bound(?wd_geo) ). # no geocoords in wikidata. some may have coords in BN...
  optional { ?location bnwdt:P153 ?bn_geo .  } # so check for coords in BN
  ##filter (!bound(?bn_geo)) . # uncomment to filter those out as well
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?wikidata ?locationLabel
===All places (by coordinate location on wikidata), filtering out places already listed as instance of locality===
<sparql tryit="1">
# All places (by coordinate location on wikidata), filtering out places already listed as instance of locality
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd:  <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
SELECT ?place ?placeLabel ?WDitem ?WDcoordinate_location

WHERE {   
WHERE {   
   ?person bnwdt:P3 bnwd:Q3 .  
   ?place bnwdt:P33 ?admin_area . #select items with 'located in the administrative territorial entity' statements
   ?place bnwdt:P117 ?Qnumber .   #get wikidata ID
   ?person ?p ?s .
  FILTER NOT EXISTS {?place bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 .}      #filter out places already listed as instance of locality
      ?prop wikibase:claim ?p;     
        wikibase:statementProperty ?ps.    
   #create reference to Wikibase entity
  BIND(IRI(concat("", ?Qnumber)) as ?WDitem )  
   # direct link to relevant part of page
  #on Wikibase do
        BIND (REPLACE(STR(?prop), "^.*/([^/]*)$", "$1") as ?pid).
  SERVICE <> {
        bind(iri(concat(str(?person), "#", ?pid)) as ?link ) .  
        ?WDitem wdt:P625 ?WDcoordinate_location . #get coordinate location on wikidata
   # the question
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en-gb". }
    ?s bnpq:P157 ?question .  
GROUP BY ?place ?placeLabel ?WDitem ?WDcoordinate_location
ORDER BY ?placeLabel
=== Wikidata ID is a URL ===
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:check for accidental use of URL instead of wikidata ID
## all checked and fixed at 18/12/23 but adding the query in case it recurs
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>

SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?wd_http
  ?item bnwdt:P117 ?wd_http .  # wikidata id       
  filter(strstarts(str(?wd_http), "http")).
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }  
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }  
ORDER BY ?itemLabel
=== Wikidata URL is not a URL ===
<sparql tryit="1">
#title:check for wikidata URLs that don't start with http. could still be other problems!
## all checked and fixed at 18/12/23 but adding the query in case of any recurring issues

order by ?personLabel
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?wd_url
  ?item bnp:P117 ?ws .  # wikidata id       
    ?ws bnpq:P14 ?wd_url .
  filter(!strstarts(str(?wd_url), "http")).
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,en-gb". }
ORDER BY ?itemLabel

== Reference queries ==

=== Reference query for Blue Papers ===
=== Reference query for Blue Papers ===
Line 1,009: Line 1,156:

===All places (by coordinate location on wikidata), filtering out places already listed as instance of locality===
<sparql tryit="1">
# All places (by coordinate location on wikidata), filtering out places already listed as instance of locality
PREFIX bnwd: <>
PREFIX bnwds: <>
PREFIX bnwdv: <>
PREFIX bnwdt: <>
PREFIX bnp: <>
PREFIX bnps: <>
PREFIX bnpq: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd:  <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
SELECT ?place ?placeLabel ?WDitem ?WDcoordinate_location

  ?place bnwdt:P33 ?admin_area .  #select items with 'located in the administrative territorial entity' statements
  ?place bnwdt:P117 ?Qnumber .    #get wikidata ID
  FILTER NOT EXISTS {?place bnwdt:P12 bnwd:Q2147 .}      #filter out places already listed as instance of locality
  #create reference to Wikibase entity
  BIND(IRI(concat("", ?Qnumber)) as ?WDitem )
  #on Wikibase do
  SERVICE <> {
        ?WDitem wdt:P625 ?WDcoordinate_location . #get coordinate location on wikidata
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en-gb". }
GROUP BY ?place ?placeLabel ?WDitem ?WDcoordinate_location
ORDER BY ?placeLabel

===All items without a P12 (instance of) triple===
===All items without a P12 (instance of) triple===
